Friday, April 24, 2020

Literature Topics Extended Essay in the IB Program

Literature Topics Extended Essay in the IB ProgramAn extended essay in the IB Program requires thought and research to support the ideas stated within the essay. It is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of each topic that you wish to write about before going into the assignment, so it is important to understand these in depth as well.You should write an essay on each topic that you are asked to write about in order to give yourself a chance to have them at least reviewed. The topics can be split up so you have a chance to review each section at least once. Each of the topics should be written about in their own paragraph.There are topics in the IB which involve special circumstances. Some of these are classics in history, the arts, current events, and geography. You should always write about one subject at a time in order to make sure that you understand it before moving on to the next. Even if there is another topic that is similar to the previous one, you should not mov e onto it until you understand the first topic.Most essays in the IB program do not use literary devices, but this is not always true. You should try to read literature that is not fiction to better get a feel for how to approach these types of topics.A lot of your topics should be general ones; however, there will be times when you have to give examples of where a literary device or idea has been used. When you need to use a literary device, you should explain its effect on the readers, especially the characters within the work that it is found in. You should always use the characters in the story to help illustrate the idea because the readers can not relate to fictional situations.The topics that you choose for each assignment in the IB program can vary from year to year. You should make sure that you read literature that is not in your particular subject and discuss it with a teacher before beginning the essay. This can save you a lot of time in future years if you come across a topic that you do not understand.Each topic in the IB program has a specific nature, so there is no way to write about one without reference to the others. You should be able to read through all of the literature within the IB program and choose the appropriate topic. Be aware that your IB essay will not be complete without at least one opinion column as well.The topic for each essay in the IB program should be your own. It is important to be original and unique when writing a literature topic essay, as it will be read by other students who have been assigned to read similar topics. Try to keep your writing as unique as possible because it will be looked upon in the future to show that you were not plagiarizing.

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